Artist Statement
I am a visual artist focused on conveying nature’s plea for interconnectedness through yarn, thread, and fabric. Using traditional textile methods like knitting, weaving, and embroidery, I mainly work with soft hand-dyed fibers to create unconventional pieces ranging from small two-dimensional tapestries to monumental sculptural forms.
In addition to the beauty and fragility of the natural environment, womanhood and motherhood are also recurring concepts of my work. I explore materials, texture and color to connect these ideas and bring them to life with my hands and heart.
My practice has roots in my native land of Uruguay, a country where sheep outnumber human inhabitants, and where wool and other natural fibers continue to be an essential tool for people’s livelihood, especially women. The relationship between the fibers I work with and the place where I was born evokes the comfort of belonging, no matter where I am in the world.
Over the last several years, my art practice has evolved outside of the studio, allowing me to foster community and create a platform for others to share their textile art journey.
Together with two other local artists I created FAMA-Fiber Artists Miami Association- with the mission to educate and advance fiber arts as a contemporary art form.